EQ at Work

When we are at work we are typically required to communicate, collaborate with different people every day, to make decisions and solve problems, to be engaged in many different activities throughout a day and perform to complete our duties and all of these attributes are in a tight relationship with our emotions and how we relate to others.

It is important to use our emotions wisely in all circumstances, to be able to work as our authentic self, to collaborate effectively and to fulfill our goals.  Even more when we are in a “charged” situation at work, to be able handle that work related stress is another important aspect of our career success.

This program will help you to:

Leading with EQ

Leadership requires individual’s ability to influence and guide others and leadership positions come with many complex tasks to be delivered. What we call formal intelligence or one’s IQ does matter, as well as technical knowledge and competencies. While someone might excel at their job technically, if they can’t effectively communicate with their team or collaborate with others, it will impact the relationships they have. By mastering emotional intelligence, leaders can set the tone of their organization, the one they wish their employees to look up to.

The lack of emotional intelligence can result in lower employee engagement and motivation a higher turnover rate. While it’s important to understand and manage our own emotions, leaders are required to know how to read a room and that is why social awareness describes our ability to recognize others’ emotions and the social dynamics within an organizations.

This program will help you to:

EQ for Analytical People

Dale Carnegie “When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion..”

Emotional intelligence is” being smarter with our feelings”. 

Same as we get data analytical data from our world, emotions are data, too. They can provide us valuable information if we learn how to decode them and understand them so that we can use them wisely.There is a great benefit in awareness of what our emotions are telling us, in understanding how to deal with them when they are arising and how to let them pass through, while being consciously aware of the impact our behavior and actions have on others while under the influence of certain emotions.

This program will help you to:

EQ for Hospitality

This program will help you to:

each program includes: